What is De-NISTing?

De-NISTing basics: a straightforward guide. Learn what it means to remove non-relevant digital files using NIST standards, why it’s important for data analysis, and how it streamlines forensic investigations.

Understanding De-NISTing: A Simplified Guide

De-NISTing is a critical process in the world of digital forensics and cybersecurity. It involves the removal of known, non-relevant files from data sets during an investigation, using the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) National Software Reference Library (NSRL) database as a reference. This guide will walk you through the basics of de-NISTing, its importance, and how it's done.

What is De-NISTing?

De-NISTing refers to the process of filtering out known software, files, and other digital artifacts from a dataset or digital evidence during forensic analysis. The purpose is to focus only on unique, user-generated, or potentially malicious content by eliminating files that are already known to be safe or irrelevant. This is achieved by comparing files against the NSRL database, which contains hashes of millions of known files from various software applications, operating systems, and other sources. You might want to stop here and check out what a hash is? In short, a hash turns any data into a unique short code, helping check if the data is unchanged without revealing what's inside.

Why is De-NISTing Important?

The primary benefit of de-NISTing is efficiency. By removing irrelevant files, forensic analysts can significantly reduce the volume of data they need to sift through manually. This not only speeds up the investigation process but also reduces the risk of overlooking important evidence buried under a mountain of known data. Furthermore, de-NISTing helps in maintaining focus on potentially malicious or user-generated content, which is often the key to unraveling a case.

How is De-NISTing Performed?

De-NISTing is typically performed using forensic analysis software that supports hash matching. Here's a simplified overview of the process:

  • Collection: Digital evidence is collected from various sources, such as hard drives, USB drives, and cloud storage.
  • Hashing: Each file in the evidence set is hashed using algorithms like SHA-1 or MD5. Hashing generates a unique digital fingerprint for each file.
  • Comparison: These hashes are compared against the NSRL database. If a hash match is found, it indicates that the file is known and likely not relevant to the investigation.
  • Filtering: Files that match hashes in the NSRL database are filtered out, leaving behind a dataset that is significantly smaller and more relevant to the investigation.

Challenges and Considerations

While de-NISTing is a powerful tool in digital forensics, there are challenges and considerations to keep in mind:

  • False Negatives: Not all irrelevant files are in the NSRL database. New software releases and updates may not be immediately added, leaving gaps.
  • Data Integrity: It's crucial to ensure that the de-NISTing process does not inadvertently modify or delete potentially relevant data.
  • Legal and Ethical Considerations: Forensic analysts must navigate legal and ethical guidelines, ensuring that the de-NISTing process complies with relevant laws and standards.


De-NISTing is an essential step in the digital forensic process, enabling analysts to efficiently focus on the most pertinent data. By understanding and implementing this process, forensic teams can improve the accuracy and speed of their investigations. As technology evolves, so too will the tools and techniques for de-NISTing, further enhancing the capabilities of digital forensic experts.

Photo by Neal E. Johnson on Unsplash

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